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Wholesale Account Terms and Conditions
Welcome to Wholesale Terms Section. We would like to impress upon you that this is for Dealers who are or wish to be in the Art business.
Our Start up package is simple you will need your Business License Number and your State Sales Tax Id number.  You will need to initially purchase at least $1000.00 dollars worth of Prints and/or Framed Art. If we are shipping, there will be a Pallet charge of $35.00 per pallet . The shipping charges are over and above these charges and you the dealer are responsible for this cost.

Business Help and Suggestions
After you have created your wholesale Dealer account, we request that you provide us with some basic information so we can suggest the best art selection for your area and Demographics. We would request some basic information from you to help you get started. We can suggest some best selling art work that is doing good in your area among the age group and ethnic demographics of your specific area. You are welcome to use this service any time you choose.
If you do request help with this service our experts will put together an Order for you and the details faxed or emailed to you along with payment details. Once your payment is received we put your order in production and it is ready to ship via your Preferred Carrier or you may use our Carrier with whom we have negotiated discounts of up to sixty five percent.
Well, you are on your way, the shipment will arrive to you in a few weeks and you can unpack, display, have home parties, have fun and make money too!!! You can choose so many venues to display your product and sell online, direct sales, have your own store, display at your favorite restaurants, at festivals, gatherings events, the list goes on and on.

Discounts and Pricing
Your pricing will be based upon your purchasing.  Initially you will be issued a discount from the displayed price depending upon your frequency and volume this discount will be adjusted. You will be assigned, a customer service representative and he or she will work with you and help you get the right pricing. Remember this will not happen overnight and it will take time to get to the best discounts that we can offer. We are working in this together and it is very important that you succeed, because our success depends on your success.



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