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 757-548-0365 or 757-620-4290


Doyle a native of Chicago, Illinois’ west side and have been a resident of Atlanta, Georgia for 20 years.  Studied at the Atlanta College of Art and the American College of Art and work in oil, acrylics, pastels, watercolors, airbrush, clay sculpting and ceramics.  He has exhibited at LV Gallery, The National Black Arts Festival and has been the poster artist for the MOJA festival in Charleston, South Carolina for the past three years.  He has received awards from the Fulton County Art Program, the Fel-pro art Award, and the Forest Park Township Art Award. Find inspiration in my family roots. One of his notable works, ”The Sunflower Sista” was inspired by an 92-year-old photograph of his grandmother standing in a field of sunflowers as a child. In his work, he capture reflections of urban life and afro-centricity with a distinguished style and a broad range of images. By exploring his creativity, he has developed a unique style of abstractions with tremendous depth and presence. The ‘Art of Doyle’ is essentially a culmination style, grace, and soul.

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